- Be My Lovely Child Again
- Year of Production: 1987
- Director: Ching-Song LIAW
- Casting: Jer Pwu PAN、Shan Ru LIN
- Synopsis Miao Hwa began to have fever incomprehensibly a year ago. Doctor gave her injection for relieving fever. After there was no fever, there was fever again. Over and over again, finally it became a normal state. Father was performing engineering abroad. Mother brought her to hospital every week. Many tests were made, without any reaction. Until she got many small blood blisters on her body. It was ascertained to be Leukemia. But did she understand what Leukemia is. Every week she went to hospital, to have injection every day. Lateron, biopsy was performed, and marrow was drawn out, all made her dislike hospital. She wanted to eat ice, go out to be exposed to the sun, and play with schoolmates, but all was impossible, and her parents wanted to save her life to live longer. After hospitalization, her temper became quite queer, and Doctor said it was affevted by medicines. But the conditions of her face and body were daily different, eyes filled with blood, with blood blisters on her tongue, and her physical strength seriously bad, but what she cared for was not her physical condition, but Hongkong drama liked by her friends, and whether the little boy in the neighboring class loved another girl, until visiting relatives and friends became more and more frequent, and her raven black wornout hair fell off all over the bed, and she began to doubt whether she could live longer. But Mother was positively seeking informal prescriptions and wonderful skills beyond the scope of science, expecting to save her daughter’s life to live longer, to live forever. Her hair all fell off, and she could not go out, and she had no mirror to reflect her body, and the arrificial hair bought was worn by her only for a short time, and finally she died. Her parents held Reqyiem Mass for her, without crying bitterly and loudly in excessive grief, Over the recent year, they understood to live one more day was to suffer hardships for her. She was as young as that forever.