- Dust In The Wind
- Year of Production: 1986
- Director: Hsiao-Hsien HOU
- Casting: Shu-Feng HSIN、Chien-Wen WANG、Tien-Lu LEE
- Synopsis Having completed junior high education, Ah-Yuan leaves his hometown and gets to Taipei City to work. With him, it is Ah-yun, the girl with whom A-yuan grew up together. He is 15, but has been together with Ah-yun for 14 years. In Taipei, they have a very hard life. He has to make money to support himself, his family and his tuition. He wishes to complete university education. They are extremely busy, but happy. They are concerned about each other. Perhaps there is love fostering between them. They, however do not perceive it. In their very early child-hood, they have been together. Then, Ah-yuan is drafted into military service. On the eve of departure, An-yun gives him a very unusual gift—1,096 self-addressed and postal stamped envelopes. She wishes that Ah-yuan would write her every day during the three-year military service period, in which, there is one leap year. Perhaps Ah-yun is too much lonely when Ah-yuan is away from her. Until Ah-yuan uses up the 1,096 envelopes she gave him, she marries somebody else. The heartbroken Ah-yuan fosters no hate against her at all. He is puzzled why Ah-yun would ever desert him. Nevertheless, never shall he ask her such a question. Instead, he has un-countable blessings to her, for her happiness.