- The Kinmen Bombs
- Year of Production: 1986
- Director: Shan-Shi TING
- Casting: Jiun-Shyong KE、Han WU、Long DYI、Shyang-Lin CHYN、Fang-Fang FANG
- Synopsis On August 23, 1958, the Communist artillery fires launch a crazy attack against Kinmen. The whole islands immediately turn into fires and flames, suffering serious casulties. Artillery commander Chi Liang-chen launches a “thunder counter-attack operation”. With huge artilleries forwarded onto the islands in early September, 1958, Kinmen is no longer in a vulnerable position in the war. With all people, military and civil men, rushing the jobs on the round the clock basis, the “thunderbold” blasks with the huge artilleries. The Communist troops shout and propose cease fire, and are destroyed of their dreams of forced landing onto Kinmen islands with 300,000 red troops.