Synopsis Villager A-Hao with simple, near-deaf husband Wan-Fa, lives a poor but simple rural life together with their young son, A-Gou. When young strong drifter Lao Jian moves in next door, A-Hao and Lao Jian, and the villagers start to talk. When word gets to Wan Fa, he becomes very angry. He tries to ignore what is happening, but kicks Lao Jian out. While leaving, distressed Wan-Fa runs over the neighbor’s child while driving his ox cart and is sentenced to prison. When he realizes that there will be no one to take care of his wife and child, he reconsiders the situation. In the end, old Wan-Fa and Lao Jian manager to work things out and make an arrangement everyone can live with.
Synopsis In 1975, when Vietnam fell into the hands of North Vietnam, one platoon tenaciously fought the North Vietnamese to the bitter end: the Leopard Squadron. When the last of their ammo was used up in battle, Lieutenant Colonel Ruan arranges for the squadron to escape to Hong Kong by boat. While on the ship, they are attacked by bandits. Some are killed while the survivors take refuge in Hong Kong, and try to determine who betrayed them. Only after the police capture the refugees do they discover that, Lieutenant Colonel Ruan headed the bandit operation that attacked their ship. When these survivors find out the truth, they are determined to find Lieutenant Colonel Ruan and take their revenge.
Synopsis One day, Hong Kong Special Forces ace Detective Lan-Bo, while off-duty at a nightclub, gets into a fight with foolish Weng shih-Chieh. Ex-convicted cop Chang Chi-Hua, who was arrested by Lan-Bo, sees the fight and gets his revenge on Lan-Bo by beating him up in the parking lot. He takes his gun, attacks innocent bystander Kai-Di and Weng Shih-Chieh, frames Lan-Bo, who gets blamed and goes to prison. Determined to find out who framed him, Lan-Bo escapes form prison. But as he uncovers what really happened, he learns that sometimes the truth may not be as it seems.
Synopsis While on the train, prostitute Bai Mei runs into her former brothel sister Yin Yin. Yin Yin has married, given birth to a child, and has a happy new life. In meeting Yin Yin , Bai Mei remembers their difficult times at the brothel together, recalling the painful memories. Back then, Bai Mei, born into a family of six children, was sold to a brothel by her stepfather, so she could make money and support the family. At the brothel, Bai Mei meets a kind-hearted fisherman and decides secretly to have his child. When Bai Mei gets pregnant, she leaves the brothel, and returns to where her mother gave birth to her. After her son is born, Bai Mei decides to take him on the train to go to the fishing port, where she hopes to find the boy’s father. On the way, she looks out at the sea and hopes for her son’s bright future.