Synopsis Motherless fishing girl of rare charming poise and talent living in a neglected small coastal village reluctantly rejects the love of a promising young man due to her inferiority complex. A memorable true-life tragic drama, splendidly personified by first-rate actress Chang Chi-yu who won’t disappoint you in the play.
Synopsis Highly-touching musical and romantic drama, superbly played by the exceptionally sweet-faced beauty Miss Pai Lan and beautifully directed by Lee Chia. A bedside-wedding with stirring choral-singing magically makes the dying bridegroom say, “I want to live”.
Synopsis Family drama, romantically and sentimentally with impressive development and eye-filling finale. Ten-year old innocent daughter obstacles the marriage between her father and step mother. How can the poor father manage the situation without giving up one of them.
Synopsis Platonic love affairs between a young widow and a college boy; the latter’s father is a devoted road construction worker trying every means to have his son best educated. The story brings forth neither a happy, nor a tragic, but a tantalizing ending .